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Monday, February 28, 2011



Good start! Much of my scribbles on the paper will not make sense unless you couple the scrawls with the set of notes below.  Ask me any questions if you have doubts:
  1.  You seem to have covered all of the characters in the play and whilst that is not a negative, you have not analysed their contribution to Eva’s suicide in too much depth.  My suggestion would be to focus on only three characters and collate as much information as you possibly can on each one. 
  2. Your modern parallels have been chosen well.  What you need to focus on however is the connection between the play and the current examples.  Think of the play as the main character of your panel discussion-it has to be present at all times and every topic needs to circumnavigate around it.  In short, do not forget about the theme of injustice in the latter half of the panel discussion.  You may want to look at changing some of your modern day examples.  Please find below an outline I have given a few of the other groups.  As you read through it, take note of the direct parallels between the injustices in the play (and the early 1900s) and modern day society. 
a) Birling and his abuse of power over employees: Multinational corporations abusing the rights of workers to increase profits.  An Australian based company would be more suitable for the task at hand. 
b) Sheila and her abuse of power over Milward’s employees:  Young wealthy teens and the control   they have over their communities. Perhaps look at certain celebrities, who have been born into fame and have come to abuse the privilege they have in their society.  Who are they affecting as a result of their neglectful behaviour? 
c) Gerald and Eric and their abuse of power over Daisy/Eva: Sexual exploitation in the      workplace.  Men and women who hold positions of power in the workforce and the existence of sexual exploitation over employees who are of a “lesser” rank then themselves. 

Okay, so in short, work on providing more depth in your analysis of play and clarify the links between the injustices in the play and those of modern day Australia. 
Good luck,
Miss V

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