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Sunday, August 7, 2011



Please read through this important information and ensure you mark appropriate dates in your diary:

  • DRAFT DUE DATE PERSUASIVE SPEECH: I will accept drafts all throughout this week.  If you hand your draft in the earlier part of the week, you will naturally have more days to fix up your oral and rehearse the delivery.  If you choose to hand it in period 5 on Friday, that's perfectly fine but do not expect a 24 hour turn around on a revised copy. 
  • DUE DATE FOR ASSIGNMENT: The persuasive speeches will begin DAY 5 19th of August NOT the 15th August as previously stipulated.  This will occur ONLY if I receive final speeches by Monday 15th August.  The reasoning behind this is to ensure you focus on the verbal aspects of this piece of assessment during the EKKA break.  You will not be allowed to hand in a modified speech on Friday 19th.
  • ISSUE OF ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Upon receiving your final scripts on Monday the 16th, you will be issued with your WRITTEN assessment piece: TKAM essay.  You will have THREE weeks to complete assignment, so, in other words KEEP READING the novel. Also, during the double next Monday do not rely on working on your oral because we will start work on the assignment issued on the day.  
  • ESSAY ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: 6th September 2011
  • THIS WEEK: This week we will PURELY be working on your drafts.  Some of you have expressed concerns with structure, some class time will be devoted to alleviating said doubts.  Ensure you bring all the adequate equipment to class.  If you do not have a laptop because it is in the TECH room, be sure to come to class with research notes and your speech printed out.  The next few lessons will be valuable time!
  • I will be away Wednesday and Thursday this week at a workshop, please ensure you ask any questions that require substantial explanation before Wednesday morning.  I am not a fan of receiving emails with questions/comments such as: I am stuck, what can I do? I will be available for consultation on TUESDAY afternoon, feel free to bombard me with those lengthy questions at that point in time.
  • Oh, one last thing, COMMENDATIONS to Jordan and Kirstie, who have handed  a draft in already! Well done!!

Friday, August 5, 2011



Please post away your 8 bullet points below.  Do not copy and paste the entire speech, the link will suffice. 

As usual, cannot wait to read your posts!

Miss V